Our Distinctives

Mutual Flourishing for All

In a world filled with isolation and loneliness, we cultivate life-giving communities committed to loving God and people. Together, we seek Jesus’ heart for holistic well-being and restorative justice across differences and divisions.

Diversity and Peacemaking

We’re all created differently, and each of us adds something valuable to our community and mission. As we seek the transformation of all things, we believe that we can make a far greater difference together than apart.

Healthy Spirituality

Union Church will always be a safe place where you can doubt and ask questions without judgement. We believe that following Jesus is not about having all the answers, but about inviting deeper questions and taking active steps of faith. We maintain a posture of humble curiosity as we seek an integrated faith that is in healthy and dynamic relationship with all aspects of our humanity - spiritual, physical, intellectual, relational, and emotional.

Egalitarian in Leadership

There is no limit to leadership opportunities and roles on the basis of gender. We see, recognize, and affirm the leadership gifts of each individual among our community.

“In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity.”

The Nicene Creed and the Apostles’ Creed define the essentials of faith in Christ. We commit to hold these creeds in unity while practicing liberty in non-essentials and charity in all things.

Our Statement of Faith

This church accepts the Bible as the revealed will of God and the all-sufficient rule of faith and practice. For the purpose of maintaining unity, we adhere to the historic statements of the Nicene Creed and the Apostles’ Creed.

The Scriptures Inspired.  The Scriptures both Old and New Testament reflect the particular contexts, cultures, and humanity of their authors and are the inspired revelation of God to humanity and the final authority of all matters in faith and conduct.  

The Trinity.  There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These three are coequal and co-eternal .

The Deity of Jesus.  The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God and is one with God.  The Scriptures declare his incarnation among humanity, sinless life, miracles, death and resurrection, and ascension to the right hand of God.  

The Salvation of Humanity.  Humanity’s only hope is through Jesus Christ.  Salvation is by faith through grace alone.

Sanctification.  In partnership with and response to the Holy Spirit, followers of Jesus, rooted in grace, continually develop an awareness of our complicity in the brokenness of our world and in our lives, take on a posture of repentance, which is turning away from chaos and evil and turning towards the ways of God, and embrace a life of discipleship to Jesus.

The Church and Its Mission.  The Church is the representative of Jesus on earth and is to carry out the Great Commission and the Great Commandment, that we might see more of heaven here on earth.

Hope for Tomorrow.  When creation is renewed, all of God’s children will reign forever in the new heaven and the new earth.  The resurrection of those who follow Jesus and the redemption of all things is our shared hope.

A New Church Community

Every origin story is sacred and distinct, and ours is no different. In 2021, against the backdrop of the global pandemic and our nation’s racial reckoning, our community launched as a campus of Gateway Church in Austin, TX. In one of the most diverse areas of the Austin metro, we aimed to connect people from all cultures, backgrounds, and life stories to belong together, encounter Jesus, and make a difference. 

After growing and developing the campus for 3 years, we began to ask what the future might hold for us. Soon after, the Holy Spirit began to compel our leadership to consider changes.  In this season, Gateway Church is needing to make the difficult decision to right-size the church staff and move from 5 campuses to 3 campuses. Concurrently, the Pflugerville community is experiencing exciting growth, healthy financial stewardship, and a growing sense of vision to pursue God’s flourishing together. Through a season of prayer and discernment, our pastor, Jon Eng, felt the tug to establish a new church.

As Jon and the leadership of Gateway Church began to discern next steps, they leaned on the words of Acts 15:28: “it seemed good to us and to the Holy Spirit” to shift away from what has been and chart a new path forward.  As Union Church begins its journey as an independent church, we are grateful that Gateway is blessing us to start something new, and we will always be grateful for our shared history and partnership.

Be a part of something new as we move forward in faith, hope, and love!

Meet Our Pastor

Jonathan Eng serves as the pastor of Union Church and loves inviting others to pursue God’s heart for community, reconciliation, and justice. He holds a Master of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary and also founded JustPax Collective, a DEI consulting group, to equip non-profits, churches, and leaders to pursue justice and peacemaking in their contexts. When he and his wife Gloria aren’t chasing around their little ones, they enjoy traveling, diving, and chasing their dogs, Mocha and Waffles.